Posts Tagged: lifestyle

“The Practice of Wearing Skin”

Over the holidays I read Barbara Brown Taylor’s book An Alter in the World. Tumbling down another road into another year, her words reverberate, reminding me to stay present and to overflow with gratitude. This excerpt comes from the chapter

“The Practice of Wearing Skin”

Over the holidays I read Barbara Brown Taylor’s book An Alter in the World. Tumbling down another road into another year, her words reverberate, reminding me to stay present and to overflow with gratitude. This excerpt comes from the chapter

Travel Notes

It’s been a rich, long and densely packed October trapezing around the South. People keep saying to me, “I know you’re busy, but…” and it makes me wonder if I’m giving off the wrong vibe–the one that says I don’t

Travel Notes

It’s been a rich, long and densely packed October trapezing around the South. People keep saying to me, “I know you’re busy, but…” and it makes me wonder if I’m giving off the wrong vibe–the one that says I don’t

Crustless Squash Quiche + A Chicken Attack

There was a chicken attack. Last night, just before dusk. I am standing in the kitchen with a glass of wine and tub of hummus. Andrew is in class. Suddenly, panicked squawks. A noise surely of chicken, but not one

Crustless Squash Quiche + A Chicken Attack

There was a chicken attack. Last night, just before dusk. I am standing in the kitchen with a glass of wine and tub of hummus. Andrew is in class. Suddenly, panicked squawks. A noise surely of chicken, but not one

A Counter-Commentary on the College Experience

The students are back from holiday. Sidewalks teem and there is traffic at the stoplight again. Working on the campus where I went to college can sometimes produce the illusion I am still in college. But driving by the apartments

A Counter-Commentary on the College Experience

The students are back from holiday. Sidewalks teem and there is traffic at the stoplight again. Working on the campus where I went to college can sometimes produce the illusion I am still in college. But driving by the apartments

Keeper of a Little Piece of Farmland

On this particular Sunday we take an unknown gravel path. While we’ve set out for the cotton fields that line Beaver Dam Church Road, Andrew notices an off-shoot trailing behind the Baptist church. A reaped field shoulders us on the

Keeper of a Little Piece of Farmland

On this particular Sunday we take an unknown gravel path. While we’ve set out for the cotton fields that line Beaver Dam Church Road, Andrew notices an off-shoot trailing behind the Baptist church. A reaped field shoulders us on the

Trying to Stay Present

I have this terrible habit of catapulting myself into the unforeseen future. And when I say “unforeseen,” I mean quite literally, the future does not exist. Yet I insist on visiting it like a zoo; walking up and down its

Trying to Stay Present

I have this terrible habit of catapulting myself into the unforeseen future. And when I say “unforeseen,” I mean quite literally, the future does not exist. Yet I insist on visiting it like a zoo; walking up and down its

Lessons in Debt

Every week I eat lunch with a good friend of mine. Today I got a text from her reading: “If we eat together today-can we eat out? My house is a disaster” REWIND: When this tradition began, we would usually

Lessons in Debt

Every week I eat lunch with a good friend of mine. Today I got a text from her reading: “If we eat together today-can we eat out? My house is a disaster” REWIND: When this tradition began, we would usually

The Fresh Hardship of Adulthood

Expenses: Rent. Insurance. Tuna fish. Wireless internet. A new dishwasher. Cat food. Tire rotation. Heat. Loofas… Chores: Start laundry. Unload dishwasher. Dust base boards. Scrub toilets. Mop bathroom. Wipe counter-tops…. The lists go on. You see, I graduated college in

The Fresh Hardship of Adulthood

Expenses: Rent. Insurance. Tuna fish. Wireless internet. A new dishwasher. Cat food. Tire rotation. Heat. Loofas… Chores: Start laundry. Unload dishwasher. Dust base boards. Scrub toilets. Mop bathroom. Wipe counter-tops…. The lists go on. You see, I graduated college in